Key takeaways:
Zoom RTMP ingest allows third-party tools to stream into Zoom
Socialive makes it easy to create campaign content from webinars
Zoom clients boost the ROI of each webinar

Zoom and Socialive’s new integration is the gift that keeps on giving.

We’ve covered how it’s now faster and easier for Zoom Sessions and Zoom Events clients to upgrade the quality of their live content. It’s easy (and cost-effective) for any Zoom Workplace client to tap into this new functionality for webinars.

But better-looking live content is only the tip of the iceberg. Now that Zoom allows you to produce studio-quality content from Socialive and stream directly into Zoom, you can fuel an entire demand generation campaign with much less effort.

Your webinar should never be one-and-done. Each live event is a content goldmine and provides ample opportunity to drive high-quality leads, generate business, and continually repurpose each piece of your webinar.

Here’s how you can take your Zoom webinar and transform it into demand-generation gold — without running up your marketing budget.

Maxing out the ROI of your Zoom webinars

Around 90% of marketers say video content produces a good return on investment. This mostly comes down to the fact that video is a highly engaging medium — and live video is the most engaging form of it.

We’ve seen in recent years how Facebook Live, Instagram Live, and LinkedIn Live have all presented businesses with massive opportunities to grow and engage their audiences.

LinkedIn Live outperforms most content on LinkedIn, with seven times more reactions and 24 times more comments. Zoom presents a similar opportunity with webinars.

Like other forms of live video, webinars provide an urgency and immediacy that don’t exist in evergreen content.

Extending value after the live event

Savvy marketers understand that the live component is only one piece of the equation. You have the potential to turn that pillar piece into several content rocks, such as written copy for blogs, video clips for social media, infographics, soundbites for thought leadership, and so much more.

For the demand generation team, each new piece of content not only turns into a way to promote the webinar but becomes a branch that can feed into an entirely new campaign.

Your clips from the webinar can be soundbites in a digital ad. The transcript from the webinar is easy to spin into a guide you can gate on your website. A question asked during the webinar can be the basis of a survey that kicks off a thought leadership campaign.

One webinar can take you down the content rabbit hole — in the best way possible.

With an end-to-end video creation platform such as Socialive, you don’t need separate teams, freelancers, or other tools to produce the webinar and generate all that rich spin-off content. You can produce, go live, and repurpose the webinar into snackable clips, full videos, and more — all in one platform.

This saves time, money, and effort when piecing together campaign content. There are plenty of ways to keep costs down while creating video content, but repurposing existing pieces is a key way to maximize your content ROI.

Socialive: the perfect platform to maximize Zoom

So why Socialive and Zoom? Why not just go live on social media or embed a livestream on your own site? And why use Socialive to make those spin-off pieces?

You want this to be a gated experience, and your workflow is already set to funnel down leads that register for your Zoom webinars. Plus, your audience is already familiar with Zoom. You’ve been using Zoom for webinars for a while now (and if you haven’t, you really should get started).

With live content, you are vastly expanding your reach and marketing to a much wider audience that represents your ICP. This means messaging directly to a higher-quality audience, which translates to higher-quality leads.

Why use Socialive and not just any other third-party?

Well, let’s take LinkedIn as an example. For their LinkedIn Live solution, they suggest a broadcast partner, with Socialive at the top of the list. Socialive earned that spot with its end-to-end video creation tools to record, edit, and publish content. Those features are paired with the security and compliance tools needed for the enterprise.

Socialive makes it easy to deliver an enterprise-grade webinar without the need for complex equipment or tons of people to produce the live broadcast.

The platform has all the enterprise-ready integrations to help deliver the repurposed content to the next stage of the process.

Plus, editing a recorded webinar, or even recording supplementary bits, is a snap with Socialive. You can also automatically generate a transcript that helps transform each video into written copy.

TL;DR — we put the power of a broadcast production suite paired with a content team right in your browser.

Building promotional content around each webinar

At this point, we’ve mostly outlined how to spin the webinar recording into other pieces of content. Everyone who’s run a webinar knows the pre-event and post-event promotional materials can really make or break how many leads you bring.

If your webinar looks great and fuels evergreen content, that’s awesome. But you’ll still be held accountable if no one attends your event.

Promoting your event with video

Demand generation folks know that “if you build it, they will come” doesn’t apply to marketing. You have to promote the event constantly on the right channels to grow your audience. This applies to each event.

Video is so versatile because it can stand on its own as a YouTube Short or Instagram Reel. You can share it with social copy and a registration link on LinkedIn or Facebook. You can embed video in landing pages and emails.

Our recommendation is that each promotional touchpoint should contain a video clip. Let your webinar panelists become your biggest promoters.

With Socialive, it’s incredibly easy to send your presenters a recording link, ask them to breeze through a script, their recording is uploaded directly to your team, you do some light edits, and then get the video out the door.

You should send the social post from your global account and from the profiles of each of your panelists so they can activate their audiences.

That’s just one winning workflow. If you’re building a run of show that contains pre-produced content, you can always use those elements as teasers to give the audience a taste of what’s to come during the webinar.

Capturing more on-demand leads

After the webinar is over, you can continue to drive leads with the on-demand recording. Socialive records each piece of your webinar, from the main mix to each speaker’s individual clean feed. You can edit and reconfigure the show as you like.

Those soundbites and edited-down pieces are the perfect way to generate interest. You can use a snackable moment to promote the webinar on social media. You can hand off clips to each speaker and ask them to drive people to the on-demand page.

With Socialive, it’s easy to mirror that same pre-event workflow to promote the recorded webinar.

Driving demand with content from Zoom webinars

Socialive is the enterprise’s go-to platform for webinars — and the one-stop-shop for marketers to create video content at scale. Zoom provides the webinar experience, and Socialive provides the tools needed to produce engaging content and scale that webinar into an entire campaign.

Socialive uploads each webinar and its individual components into one central location, where you can easily repurpose it into more rich content.

Plus, it’s a virtuous cycle of content creation. One webinar can fill your funnel with highly relevant, high-performing content without the need to outsource and create net new assets.

This is just a taste of how Socialive and Zoom together are a massive value-add for video marketing and demand generation. Check out our guide on driving ROI with LinkedIn Live to learn more about how this type of webinar-to-campaign workflow can boost your bottom line.