
Easily edit all your video recordings

Whether you’re making one video or one-hundred videos, our AI-powered editor makes it easy to clip, add branding and ship your videos to your audience.

Trusted by leading companies around the world

Why edit with Socialive?

Fun and intuitive

If you can edit a doc or slide, you can edit a video in Socialive. Keep editing work in-house, saving you money and keeping you in control.

Create at scale

Save massive amounts of time and eliminate repetitive tasks by creating custom branded templates for your various types of content.

Uninterrupted workflows

Your favorite video editing tools are available right in the platform. No more opening external software for basic edits.

Meet our Editor

Set your brand colors, fonts, intros, outros, and more. Save it as a preset and get a headstart on your next project.
Edit your videos like a text document. Select words in your transcript, click "cut" and POOF! They are gone from your video.
Need more precision? Zoom in on the timeline and remove unwanted bits or awkward pauses.
Drag and drop, resize, and adjust your videos and graphics on the canvas just like you would with a slide deck.
Create dynamic content and give your story structure by adding intros, outros, and different scenes.
socialive video editor

Like what you see? Book a demo to see the rest!

Text-based editing

We automatically generate a transcript so you can edit your video like a doc. Select and delete the words you don’t want, and they are automatically cut from your video.


Watch this quick demo of our Editor to learn more about how editing videos using text can supercharge your workflows.

Drag and drop simplicity

Familiar, easy-to-use design tools means anyone on your team can create beautiful, on-brand video.

Powerful and precise

Advanced clipping tools, a linear timeline editor, and intuitive keyboard shortcuts give you state-of-the-art editing capabilities right in your browser.

Automate busy work

Save time on repetitive tasks by building customized templates that apply your graphics, colors, fonts, layouts and more automatically.

When to edit with Socialive

For simple and repeatable projects, do the editing yourself, and get your snackable video out the door quickly.


average workflow time savings:

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Frequently asked questions about editing

No! Everything is included in the Socialive platform. The editor is built-in, so there’s never a need to download anything recorded in Socialive before editing.

Creating a template is easy. Just save the configurations from your current project as a template and anyone can apply those settings to future videos.

No, only admins can adjust templates. The majority of users can only apply a template, but can then make adjustments to their video after running a video through a template.

Yes! Anyone who is in the Space where the video was recorded can edit it. This makes collaboration faster and easier then ever.

Have another question? Contact us.

Learn what’s possible

Start creating better video faster.