See how Socialive’s AI-powered editor works

Welcome to the future of video editing! Now you can record your expertise, quickly prepare it, and send it out — all from one place.

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Preview of Socialive's video demo of the AI-powered editor

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Meet the fastest, easiest way to make endless amounts of professional-quality video

Text-based video editing

The Editor creates a transcript, so you don't have to. Highlight, delete, and clip text to make your video.

Drag and drop content

Make adjustments to your video just like you would in a presentation. Drop in overlays, resize, and you're done!

Powerful timeline precision

It's easy to make quick changes, but you can still dive deep to make minute adjustments.

Customizable templates

Set up presets for your team to automate the busy work and quickly standardize branding and more.

Want to see the rest of the platform?

Request a tailored demo with our video experts for a personalized consultation.