The standard conference call is dead.

With the necessary shift to a remote working environment, businesses simply replicated the traditional in-person meeting through virtual means — it’s not working. While they can be useful in empowering people to communicate and collaborate remotely, 38% percent of professionals in a recent study reported experiencing video call fatigue
(from Robert Half)

We have too many meetings now, more than when everything was in person.

Whether your team is experiencing video call fatigue or you just want to make the best use of everyone’s time, it may be time to explore how powerful video can be when it is used to deliver short, pre-recorded messages, also known as personalized asynchronous video.

What is personalized asynchronous video?

Unlike other forms of asynchronous communications — "taking it offline" — such as email or chat messages, asynchronous videos put a human face on your communication. Typically friendly and brief, these videos can convey your message with the context and clarity that is sometimes missing from written communication. They can be shared and watched whenever, wherever, on your audience’s own time.

How to use personalized asynchronous video

Best of all, personalized asynchronous video is endlessly versatile. Here are just a few of the many ways you could use them:

  • Explain an assignment to supplement your learning curriculum
  • Deliver a small, consumable chunk of course content between classes
  • Prepare a team for an upcoming meeting by explaining the agenda and any pre-work you’d like completed beforehand
  • Celebrate a big win with your team
  • Quickly and personally introduce yourself when a sales prospect has reached out to you for more information
  • Do a coffee chat with a co-worker you haven’t seen for weeks because you’re all working remotely
  • Send a quick follow-up after a meeting, outlining the next steps
  • Share a project status in between check-ins
  • Explain a product feature or how to do something to a customer
  • Explain a process to someone you’re onboarding

Not every communication requires a full-blown video meeting. When you start to think outside that box, you’re likely to uncover many more ways you might use personalized asynchronous videos.

Personable messaging with asynchronous video in Socialive

Personalized asynchronous video can elevate voices in your organization, humanizing communications and freeing everyone to watch them on their schedule. With Socialive’s end-to-end video creation platform, enterprise companies easily create professional-quality, branded, personalized videos with the team they already have:

  • Record crisp-quality video content from anywhere — straight from your phone, tablet or desktop browser — with Socialive’s remote recording capabilities to ensure the highest quality possible
  • Create a secure, permissions-based, centralized library of all your personalized asynchronous videos — automatically uploaded at the time of recording
  • Enrich your message with our drag-and-drop editor, which includes preset layouts to combine previously recorded videos, newly recorded content, screen share video, and other media with branded graphics to guarantee a professional look and feel
  • Create snackable video clips from other recordings so you can repurpose content that efficiently gets your message across

At Socialive, we believe that everyone, regardless of experience or skills, should be able to use video to easily communicate and collaborate across your business. Discover how we can help you personalize asynchronous videos that elevate your message.

See what Socialive can do for you