press release

Socialive announces AI-powered video editor

New AI-powered video tool reduces the cost of video creation by making it easier for creators of all abilities to edit video content.

3 tips to look great in your videos

Part of what makes a broadcast successful is making sure a speaker is positioned correctly on camera to eliminate on-screen distractions. Low background light and off-centered presenters can take the […]

A day in the life of a platform engineer

Meet Alexander Infante, one of our platform engineers who focuses on building out the Socialive platform. We sat down with Alexander to learn more about his role at Socialive, as […]

Video tech strategies for financial services

Eighty-eight percent of U.S. consumers use financial technology for banking, payments, and investing — up from 58% in 2020. As a result of the rapid disruption driven by fintechs, customers […]

Audio capture from video content has never been easier

Streamline your ability to create, distribute, and repurpose video and audio files with Socialive’s new one-click audio capture automation Humans inherently want flexibility when it comes to how they absorb […]

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